Raffles 107 - VacationAtMyPlace.com Skip Navigation

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Raffles 107

Property ID: 02-107RAFF-V


Clear Dates
  • Bedrooms
  • Sleeps
  • Bathrooms
  • QSS
  • Best of all worlds * 1 Bedroom condo sleeps 6 bayside facing North Side Park * 1st Floor *
  • Central AC * Fully Equipped Kitchen * WiFi * Outdoor Pool * 1 Block to the beach *
  • Convienent location * Shops, restaurants, mini golf, busline * Non Smoking Unit * No Pets
  • Crossing light to the beach * Bring your favorite book, it’s time for you to relax and/or PLAY *

It has 1 Bedroom(s), Sleeps 6 and has 1 Bathrooms. The property has been listed on Vacation at My Place since Thursday April 27, 2023. Choose your dates and reserve now!

*All price comparisons are presented for illustrative purposes only. Please make sure to do your own investigation before making any decision based on price, as conditions and pricing may have changed and your circumstances may differ from our assumptions.

*We base our price comparisons on data obtained from other providers’ websites on specific dates. VAMP has no liability for any errors or omissions in the price comparisons.

*VAMP reserves the right to change, delete, or otherwise modify the price information without any prior notice. You will need to make your own determination as to its suitability for your own purposes prior to relying on the pricing information. In no event will VAMP be responsible for damages of any nature whatsoever resulting from your use of or reliance upon the information from the price comparison.