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There is a new player in the travel industry, and they’re going to make a big splash at the beach! Booking a beach vacation in Maryland or Delaware has never been easier. Founders Mike Stack and Tim Long, who both have beach vacation homes, saw shortcomings in the vacation rental industry and decided to do something about it. Their concept benefits both property owners and guests while offering the same benefits as big online booking sites. VacationAtMyPlace.com will serve the beaches of Maryland and Delaware and is the new and improved way of booking beach vacation rentals!

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Beach Vacation Rentals Done Right with VacationAtMyPlace.com

Family Roots

Looking to book a beach vacation in Maryland or Delaware? Well, VacationAtMyPlace can make that happen. Mike and Tim watched their children grow up on the beach. They both have so many great memories of these times. Tim reminisces, “Whether we were renting in Bethany, Rehoboth, or Ocean City those early years always included bike rentals, playing lacrosse on the beach, and visiting the boardwalk.” Mike has equally fond memories reflecting, “It wasn’t a family vacation at the beach if we didn’t include a trip to Jolly Roger’s Amusement Park, snack on some Fisher’s Popcorn, or enjoy a Kohr’s Bros custard cone.” These are the types of memories VacationAtMyPlace.com wants to share with other families. To them, having affordable options that make destinations available to all, is at the core of their belief system.

VacationAtMyPlace.com is Born

So how did this new idea for beach vacation rentals originate? VactionAtMyPlace.com stemmed from a 10-minute conversation between friends. During their conversation, Tim asked Mike how his summer rental season had gone. Mike said it went well, but he was exploring alternate options for renting his investment property. He traditionally has used VRBO, but after Expedia acquired the company, it seems they’ve strayed from their early days of being an affordable booking site where both owners and guests could communicate freely about vacation rentals.
Today that good old-fashioned model has inspired VacationAtMyPlace.com

Affordable Beach Vacation Rentals

The beach vacation rental booking business has become a very big business, with online travel bookings topping $700 billion in 2019. And today, it’s not uncommon for the combined owner and guest fees to approach 20% of the cost of the rental. Those fees not only raise the rates for guests but also can eat into the profit margins for property owners. Since VacationAtMyPlace.com is a burgeoning company and is focused “locally,” their overhead is significantly lower than those of other national brands. The lower overhead has made it possible for owners to list their properties for free, and for guests to pay an industry-low 3% booking fee. This difference in fees will mean the difference between affordable and not affordable to many families. It’s about time beach vacation rentals were made affordable and available to most. And now you and your family can easily plan a summer beach vacation to Delaware or Maryland!

Open Communication

With an affordable pricing model now in place, VacationAtMyPlace.com is doing the unthinkable. Unlike VRBO and Airbnb, they will offer “open communication” at all times. Allowing open communication will provide a much more satisfactory experience for both owners and guests. Owners get a chance to know the family they are renting to and those families will have an opportunity to have their questions answered before they book their place. This open line of communication sets VacationAtMyPlace apart from other beach vacation rental sites.

Best Inventory at the Beach

Mike and Tim’s goal is to provide the best beach inventory all in one site. Want to go on a vacation in Delaware or Maryland? You have come to the right place. Whether you’re searching in Lewes, Delaware, or down to Ocean City, Maryland, or any beach in between, VacationAtMyPlace.com will have you covered.